Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome to CrookedFingers!

If you're reading this, then chances are you managed to stumble upon this website through Facebook or through my school's website.  If you're here, then feel free to take a load off and read on through my aimless babbling - I tend to do that a lot more than someone should. My name is Will, and this is CrookedFingers.

CrookedFingers, first of all, is a blogging website and project I started for my Independent Study Course for my final semester of Grade 12 - or twelfth grade - however you want to phrase it.  On this website I'll be posting weekly on whatever comes to mind!  Of course, a project like this is going to be a bit more structured than that, so I'm making sure to rack my brain to think up specific columns that I may write about!

This show is awesome. Check it out!
One idea is stating a thesis that comes to mind at any point in my week, researching evidence to support, and mostly aiming to make people think.  It's an idea I got from PBS's Idea Channel, a show on Youtube tackling a similar concept.  In tribute to that show, the column will be named after the first thing the show's host says: "Here's an idea!"

Another idea I have is to bring up things about gaming, since the people who visit linking from my Youtube channel will have a clear interest in the subject, and of course, I do too!  I don't really want to tackle the typical "review" or "reporting" articles that most gaming outlets cover, and likely better than I ever could, so I have some ideas for completely different niches - keep reading to look out for those!

Lastly, I have an idea for a column called "Storytime", which is essentially that - if something funny or interesting happens in my life, I'll blog about it. It's pretty standard, but my life's quite dull, so I cannot guarantee how active that idea might become. Who knows - it might become something that's easiest to write about!

I'm hard at work, don't bother me...
Anyway, these are all ideas I have in mind for things to write about - it's fairly freestyle, topic-wise, but I want to make sure that there's some form of organization to this blog.  As for the website itself, it's a tad blank right now, but as I add more written content to the website, you can bet on the addition of new site elements as well! If you have any ideas on things to include on the blog itself, feel free to leave a comment below to give some suggestions.  The first big addition I want to add into the site itself is a new comment system; Blogger's default comments script is rubbish.  If you want to keep posted on goings-on for the blog, feel free to subscribe to posts on the site below; all you need to do is submit your email address, and you'll be sent updates and new posts as they happen!

If you made it all the way through this first post, then congratulations - you deserve a medal.  I promise the next post will be something actually worth reading, don't you worry.  I hope you revisit soon, Dear Reader!